Monday, August 29, 2011

No word from Steve yet about my refund, even though we did send various e-mails back and forth about my apparent "shit talking."

According to "Fifty," the money is going towards comics and bubble gum.  Cheers?

Monday, August 22, 2011

E-Mail from Steve

I got a hopefully genuine e-mail from Steve today.  I blacked out anything that would cause people who aren't really involved from getting dragged into this.  This is the first time he has acknowledged me in more than a year, so it seems to be a step in the right direction.

I'm stoked.  I hope "Fifty" got something similar.  Cheers.

Steve deletes ~negative~ comments. I thought I was being nice, whatever.

Now you see it...

     Steve, come on.  I'm coming to you as a customer with a legitimate complaint.  I'm not badmouthing your product or even you.  I even gave you the benefit of the doubt when my comments kept "disappearing" from your page but now it's obvious you just delete them all together.  You have my facebook, my e-mail and my phone number (which has never changed unless you misplaced it).  I didn't ask for the Mona Lisa, I've seen what you can do.  I think we are to the point where you should just give me a long and overdue refund.  Cheers, baby.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

I see a pattern forming.

After I was linked to this blog:
I realized I wasn't the only one who got scammed.  Here is a little back story-
     I had befriended Steve years ago to the point where I would put him up in a hotel/apartment when the band would come through my state.  I considered us to be friends as we would hang out back stage, drink, party etc. whenever he had a show. At one point I had even worked the merch booth for free at a concert.  It was not a sexual relationship AT ALL.  He informed me that he was starting to draw tattoos for people, and he offered to give me the "discounted" rate of $100.
    I figured that would be fine because I was helping out a friend and getting some original art while I was at it.  In the beginning, he contacted me often to get the tattoo started.  It wasn't until after I paid him the money that he was no longer interested in any inquiries I had made.  His responses went from "sorry I am so backed up" to none at all.

Here are screenshots of the original conversation, read from the bottom up:

     Obviously he shows enthusiasm when he starts a piece, and then cuts off all contact after that.
Unlike "Fifty," I didn't pay with a check and handed him over cash money.  I did it in front of the band and a good friend, but if that isn't proof enough then I at least want to get my story out there.  Cheers.