Sunday, August 21, 2011

I see a pattern forming.

After I was linked to this blog:
I realized I wasn't the only one who got scammed.  Here is a little back story-
     I had befriended Steve years ago to the point where I would put him up in a hotel/apartment when the band would come through my state.  I considered us to be friends as we would hang out back stage, drink, party etc. whenever he had a show. At one point I had even worked the merch booth for free at a concert.  It was not a sexual relationship AT ALL.  He informed me that he was starting to draw tattoos for people, and he offered to give me the "discounted" rate of $100.
    I figured that would be fine because I was helping out a friend and getting some original art while I was at it.  In the beginning, he contacted me often to get the tattoo started.  It wasn't until after I paid him the money that he was no longer interested in any inquiries I had made.  His responses went from "sorry I am so backed up" to none at all.

Here are screenshots of the original conversation, read from the bottom up:

     Obviously he shows enthusiasm when he starts a piece, and then cuts off all contact after that.
Unlike "Fifty," I didn't pay with a check and handed him over cash money.  I did it in front of the band and a good friend, but if that isn't proof enough then I at least want to get my story out there.  Cheers.

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